About Linnea
Montanan or Transplant?
Transplant from Lake Tahoe & the Bay Area.
You’ll find her:
Summer- mountain biking in the Rattlesnake; Winter – skiing wherever my friends want to go.
Dream vacation:
Maldives or Seychelles with family and/or friends. I’d go with my OSD colleagues for a work retreat too!
Pearl of Wisdom:
Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life ̴Rumi
Favorite OSD Project:
OSD’s co-working space at Cambium Place, as it will be a great platform to continue expanding our community’s entrepreneurial spirit. I’ve been to a handful in SoCal and Denver and the synergy that pervades these co-working spaces is remarkable; and we have yet to fully realize this in Missoula.